Hi Susan,
We'll get you some pictures..........spent last weekend home as the refrigeration went out in the RV on Thursday, part arrives tomorrow and then we'll be hitting the road again. That is about enough fun with parts going out for us !! El stinko....
I can tell you at Wood's Canyon Lake, Madeline was the talk of camp, those that don't ride just spoil her to death.......We were out riding with several others, it hailed at camp, thankfully not where we were......and those that were there with Madeline at camp ran to her portable camping corral when it turned from rain to hail, haltered her up and took her inside their tent with them. And because she had gotten wet before they grabbed her, they used their one and only towel to dry her off. And decided they wanted to cover her to keep her warm so they took the table cloth off the camp table which was blue and white checkered with huge yellow sun flowers on it and draped it over her back as they all stood inside the tent. They said Madeline kept turning around to look at the big pretty sun flowers that were on her back but was happy to keep it on. Obviously she is a spoiled mascot in camp with the Lone Rangers .....
David and Linda
GOOD! she deserves it! Can't wait for pics... did they take any of her wearing the tablecloth?????
I was horse camping at Mormon Lake this weekend and talking to an old friend Billy Dean (he's 89) who recently got 2 mini donks, turns out he was at the Caballos ride near Kirkland and he remembers meeting Madeline
My grand-donkey is famous!!!!!
Yes, someone in camp got pictures as they told us they had. We'll probably get hard copies of them on the next Lone Ranger Ride........when I do, I'll see what I can do about getting it on here, as it had to be a hoot !!! We'll get you some others before then.
Yes, Billy Dean, know him well, as he knows us from the days that we led the National Fox Trotter Fast Group Rides for several years...............and yes, he met Madeline on that week long Caballo Del Sol Ride.......he loved her to death. And those whom walked past him petting her as he talked with us on that ride........would comment to him that she was just his size for riding.... as they would snicker and walk by. And with you knowing Billy Dean you know that is no joke, he and his short little ole legs.
David and Linda