Monday, June 28, 2010

Back To The Ranch


This last weekend June 26th and 27th we spent the weekend up at Madeline's ranch.

On Saturday just before noon, while we were working around the place, we decided to put their hobbles on and let them all out of the barn to roam the 38 acres that is for the most part fenced but because there is some that is not......well they're mules, so they get hobbled, because they know where the openings are!! Even little Ms. Madeline did get hobbled, just so she can stay used to being hobbled. We had closed all the stall doors but Madeline's so if she wanted she could go in and have a drink or whatever on her own.

Well, you would think if they had all this area to romp in and graze me, they can still romp in hobbles, even three ways on the two mules. So you would think with all this room then you would not find them here

In the barn, and not just one of them...............

Yes, you got it..........all three of them, and all in the SAME stall, Madeline's stall, with Gus going in and out of it!!! Go figure!! This went on for quite a long time.

So, we let them be.........and continued our work around the place then broke for lunch............ Guess who joined us at lunch. Here she comes looking for Mom and Dad.. She always does this if she can't see you.... she will find you.

And yes, she found us, Mom in the rig making lunch and Dad just a waiting to graze......So Madeline just had to spend time with Dad for loves and kisses. She sucked up big time to Dad and stayed with us the whole time we ate lunch.

Dad even got her a cookie out of the truck as she stood by waiting for him to get it...

Then off she goes, to go find her brothers again......

And she knows right where to find them...... Can you guess?

Yep, still in her stall in the barn just hanging out waiting for her to come back!!! Right where she flew back into, hobbles and all.

She did go out for a 4 hour trail ride on Sunday with her big brother mules, and some of our ranch neighbors......... But the rest of the time you can see just exactly where they chose to stay for most of Saturday.

Till next time.

David and Linda

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